
About Kiambaa Constituency

Kiambaa is one of the (12) constituencies in Kiambu County located in the central region of Kenya. It covers an area of 91.1 square kilometer (Km²) and borders Kabete and Limuru constituencies to the west, Githunguri constituency to the north and Kiambu constituency to the east. On the south, it borders Nairobi City County.
The Constituency has five (5) electoral wards, namely Cianda, Karuri, Ndenderu, Muchatha and Kihara. These are administratively sub-divided into 17 locations and 21 sub-locations.
According to the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census, the Constituency has a population of 236,400 comprised of 115,690 and 120, 695 males and females respectively. Further, there are 15 persons who are intersex. With a land area of 91.1 Km2, the population density of the Constituency is 2,595. Further, the number of households is 80,332, with the average household size of 2.9

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